Cycles and the movement from Winter to Spring


This week really felt like the start of spring. It’s been a long hard winter for many of us but we all must remember that without the winter we wouldn’t appreciate the spring; without the dark we wouldn’t appreciate the light.

The shades of life are what makes it so engaging... Do you take time to really stop and appreciate? To notice the cycles? Recently I have been paying more attention to cycles - the moon, the seasons, my own cycles, not just physically but emotionally - my moods and routines. And now this springy feeling brings in the idea of birth and the new. But for birth room needs to be made - so we also have to accept that part of this cycle is death. Death of the old and that which is no longer serving us. Death is a word that tends to invoke fear; and incite feelings of strange otherness...  

I recently experienced a loss and was further reminded of the cycles in grief and the processes we have to journey through to come out the other side. And instead of resisting it, I allowed it to flow through me. By letting go and allowing it to move through us we can stop our bodies from storing the negative and creating toxicities that long term will cause dis-ease. We can acknowledge a loss, feel a grief, sit with it and feel into it. Yes it’s uncomfortable. Yes it’s painful. Yes tears may come. But the beautiful thing is that by acknowledging death we create the room for birth. We weed the garden to allow room for our new blossoms. And that glorious sun - the one we have missed so much - will shine once more and allow our garden to bloom.

7 April 2018

Kate Emmerson