Mindful Bank Holidays


I’ve been doing a mindfulness challenge for the past few days. Recently I had noticed that I was spending so much time planning for the future that it was sparking my anxiety more than I would like, so it seemed like the perfect opportunity. What has been refreshing is to reflect on how I have already created some really good habits, but like all of us humans I still fall down from time to time.

A bank holiday weekend was the perfect test, because I have had a tendency in the past to feel that “special occasions” need to be spent doing “special” things - and I have put an immense amount of pressure on myself to find ways of doing that - instead of doing what actually feels good to me. This weekend I did what felt good and I spent time with my horses, especially focusing on this hunky chunk of horse Octavio (Otto) my superstar in the making, and hanging out in the sun with people that make me happy.

The old me would have chased down ways to maximise bank holiday time, but instead I chose to take it easy and meditate in the evenings which felt good for mind and soul. Taking the time to connect in with what felt right for me instead of working myself into a frenzy of “it’s a waste of a bank holiday if I don’t...” felt really good.

What did you get up to? I hope you too treated yourself with love and kindness, as well a bit of sun baking...

8 MAY 2018

Kate Emmerson