A fresh perspective can bring you what you want


 ‘Objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are’ - how much does our past shape our present or our future? The answer should be as much as we allow it, but all too often it’s more like - waaaay too much!

We all have unconscious conditioning, it’s not something we can escape. The key is to understand that it is the case and that if it’s not serving our highest good we can do something to change it. A few of my own unconscious patterns have arisen recently and it’s all too easy to let the balance shift into the negative when you feel like life has bitten you on the bum. But the healthiest thing you can do is to find the way to shift the balance back- to change your perspective - and remember that life’s ups and down serve merely as lessons from which to learn and grow...

For me, I find that vocalising my feelings - talking things through with a coach, mentor or a friend whose thinking is aligned with my own - helps me to re-centre and allows me to access the techniques I need with more clarity. In expressing, we allow release and in the place of that which is released, we can bring in that which we desire more of and can recondition our thinking.

NLP techniques work powerfully and swiftly to reprogramme our minds and emotions and to alter our states. Healing for our minds and bodies on a cellular level. For more info on how NLP, hypnotherapy or healing could help you why not get in touch... 

3 June 2018

Kate Emmerson