'Fake it till you make it' and the power of gratitude


I know you've been that person, sat in a meeting, a job interview, or on a date and thought to yourself,  "I really have no idea what I am doing! And now this is it... they are going to find me out; they're gonna finally suss that I have no idea what is going on!" I actually think this is one of life's formative experiences; it's human to feel like this and it isn't just a thing that is particular to you, this is the human experience!  

It's the same with gratitude - I can remember when I first stretched that muscle, it felt so alien. To write down, even on your worst day, a list of 5 - 10 things that you're grateful for. That's when I remembered the adage, 'Fake it til' you make it,' and only then I learned how powerful the vibration of gratitude can be. Because hard as it is to find 10 things to be grateful for on the day from hell, you know the one... car doesn't start, your coffee gets spilled, you received an unexpected bill... once you start looking for the unexpected gratitudes in those experiences, you start to look for the positive, and you raise your vibrational frequency and start to attract more of the same to you... 

When I think back to the good old Tinder days and the lessons each of those awful and brilliant experiences brought me - it would be so easy to say "Oh God, Kate, you make such bad choices," " Kate you're so embarrassing," "You're never gonna be happy, etc." (my god, the stories... I will write the book one day...) But if instead you can choose to see all life as learning, there are so many opportunities for growth and for gratitude.  And if it's hard to find something in that moment then remember your breath, your beautiful body and soul; your glorious mind. The texture of the pen beneath your fingers, the smooth paper beneath the ink. The feeling of the rain on your face. The wisdom and the changes in outlook that accompany the grey hairs that are sprouting from your head so unceremoniously... There is beauty in everything if you choose to see it. 

Why not try it today - before you go  to bed try listing 5 things you have been grateful for today. It's a life changer!

11 March 2018

Kate Emmerson